
Ready to write some Salo? Let's go through some basic language features.


There are two forms of comments in Salo: regular comments and documentation comments. A regular comment, denoted by two dashes (--) or a curly brace and a dash ({-, -}) are comments that Salo will completely ignore.

-- Hello, world!

Three-dash comments (---), or a curly brace and two dashes ({--, --}) denote documentation comments. These comments are seen by Salo, and included when you run salo doc. Unlike regular comments, these comments must be tied to some expression in your code, like so:

--- This is some value x.
x = 0

Doc comments that are not "attached" to a piece of code are called tangling comments. These generate warnings in Salo, but pass compilation. Tangling comments are not recommended.


Variables are immutable by default in Salo.

TODO: To be continued!